
Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday Mania--Query Letter

One of our readers submitted a query letter. Feel free to make comments, but please keep them constructive.

Critique Archive 0020:

Re: Book Proposal Request

Dear XXXX:

I am seeking representation for my Christian novel, The Blood Oath complete at 85,000 words. I am enclosing a synopsis and the first three chapters as a sample.

I am a member of the League of Utah Writers and the American Christian Fiction Writers associations. Often God’s most effective form of instruction is our trial. In The Blood Oath, the readers are able to vicariously experience Edwina McCullough’s crash course in Christianity 101.

Edwina is trapped in the despair of her “darkest night” when she is jolted by an angelic visitation from Evangel who persuades her to view her life from the vantage point of potential instead of the avenue of defeat. After the visitation, Edwina is determined to live her life differently.

When Edwina and the members of the Calico Club discover the Lewis/Todd blood oath, they set out on a quest to honor the pledge on behalf of their deceased club member, Karla Lewis. When their car breaks down and they become marooned in the desert town of Fortunado, their two week trip turns into a two month odyssey.

The members of the Calico Club plus one, Gabriel, emerge profoundly changed from their experiences in Fortunado. Unfortunately, only three of them are able to continue the quest and ultimately find Zion, the heir to the promise.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of this proposal. I look forward to hearing from you soon. The book’s scripture, “Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think…” (Ephesians 3:20)

Writer’s name

3 Chapters

Monday, April 6, 2009

THE Teen Writers Conference

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Weber State University

Ages 13-19

Registration Information:

Conference Chair: Josi S. Kilpack

Parental Permission form required for ages 13–17
$39.00 Registration fee (includes lunch)
Enter the Writing Contest!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Congrats Josi & Annette!!

To Our BLOG Followers: We'd be happy to post a congrats and a cover of your book when you have a book release! Keep us posted!

With that in mind: Congrats to two of our senior editors, Josi and Annette!

Each of them had a book come out recently.

Josi's Lemon Tart was released January 2009:

Annette's Tower of Strength came out in March 2009: