
Monday, September 16, 2013

Next PEG Workshop: Indie Publishing (November 16, 2013)

Have you thought about Indie Publishing but don't know if your manuscript is ready? Or maybe you are a traditionally published author with a couple of niche projects sitting around, yet don't want the label of "self-published"? PEG is hosting the Indie Publishing Workshop to teach you how to build your professional indie team for editing, design, cover, ebook distribution and marketing, so that you are presenting a professional and competitive product.

We will be posting any updated on our PEG Workshop blog.

Workshop topics:
*The Hybrid Author: Pro's and Con's of Traditional Publishing vs Indie Publishing
*Stages of editing needed for a professional product
*Building Your Team & Managing the Money
*Author branding and platform
*Marketing, Pricing & Categorizing ebooks (or How to Hit Top 100 categories)

November 16, 2013
American Fork Library
64 South 100 East, American Fork, UT
Doors open: 10:00 a.m.
Workshop: 10:30 a.m. -- 4:30 p.m.

Includes one hour lunch break, lunch on your own

Registration deadline: November 13th

**Limited Space**

Payments to:
Pay $45.00 to PayPal account:
**include "PEG Workshop" in the notes
**include your email address in the notes if different from your paypal address
(you don't need a PayPal account to do this)

Instructors include best-selling indie published authors:

Rachel Ann Nunes Rachel has been a bestselling author in the traditional market for many years, and she's also independently re-released older titles such as Bridge to Forever and This Time Forever, as well as helping other authors do the same.

Heather Horrocks Heather is the bestselling indie author of romantic comedies and cozy mysteries. With over 10 bestselling publications, Heather's latest release is Kissing Santa.

Rachael Anderson Rachael has been a bestseller on Amazon for over a year with her popular contemporary romances, including The Reluctant Bachelorette, Working It Out, and the All I Want anthology.

Heather B. Moore Heather indie publishes the popular Timeless Romance Anthology series, the Aliso Creek Novella series, and the historical romance, Heart of the Ocean.

Lu Ann Staheli Lu Ann has indie published award-winning Middle Grade, YA, and upcoming non-fiction. Recent titles include Just Like Elizabeth Taylor, Tides Across the Sea, and A Note Worth Taking.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Writing Workshop: League of Utah Writers

We'll be teaching the all day workshop at the League of Utah Writers on Friday, September 13, at the Salt Lake City Airport Hilton Hotel. Workshop starts at 11:00 a.m. Here's the registration link.

From Plotting to Final Draft: Getting Your Manuscript Ready to Compete
Heather Moore, owner of Precision Editing Group, and four senior editors will teach this in-depth, hands-on workshop: From Plotting to Final Draft: Getting Your Manuscript Ready to Compete. Publishers and agents receive thousands of submissions each year. More so than ever, your book concept needs to stand above the rest, and your writing needs to be tight and carefully edited. Come ready to write, to learn, and to discover how to take your manuscript to next level. 

EDITORS: Heather Moore, Annette Lyon, Lu Ann Staheli, Michele Holmes, Josi Kilpack

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday Mania--Query Letter

Critique Archive #56
One of our readers has submitted a query for critique. Please offer only constructive comments

 Dear XXXX,

We usually think of amnesia resulting from an accident or other incident. But what if your brain did it all on its own?

My novel The Naked Wolf is based on my real struggle with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and disassociation, which I developed through a life-threatening experience.

In The Naked Wolf, Angie and Adam connect through similar emotional wounds. Adam is a Special Forces combat veteran who raises wolves. Because they’ve been through similar experiences, he recognizes a kindred spirit in Angie. While Adam helps Angie past her fear of men and sex, she falls desperately in love with him and is certain he feels the same—until he tells her he’s planning on moving and rejoining the military. Assuming he’s breaking up with her, Angie has a panic attack. Her brain shuts off and erases him from her memory. Maybe even worse, her brain creates a replacement for Adam. What starts out as a dream becomes a nightmare for them both, and one that is destined to end in tragedy.

An excerpt of this novel was published in Touchstones literary magazine and won 2nd place in their prose publication contest. A short story of mine Married Dating was also published in Touchstones, where it won 1st place. I’ve been a freelance journalist for St. George Neighborhoods and a staff writer for the Hurricane Valley Journal.

 Thank you for your time and consideration. As your website suggests, I have included the first two chapters.



Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Mania--Query Letter

Critique Archive #55
One of our readers has submitted a query for critique. Please offer only constructive comments. 
Subject: query. Cats and Dogs Tell No Tales.
Dear AGENT, 

     Cats and Dogs Tell No Tales is a fun filled book for the middle school girl.  Emma, the storyteller, shares her first experiences as a student witch.  Her neighbors have been turned into familiars for the local coven.  Anyone that gets to nosy or bothersome is turned into a cat or dog by her grandmother.
     Harry, a neighbor, familiar, and a Jack Russell Terrier mix is the instigator of an animal revolt and supposedly holds the key to everlasting youth. 
It is a completed novel (19,138 words.)
     This is my first novel for the middle school age student.  It was inspired by the exploits of my granddaughter. Both her and her best friend have actually tried (unsuccessfully) love spells. 
      My father introduced me to writing and literature just as I share literature with my granddaughter. I am a retired RN and have a B.A. from Barat College in Lake Forest, Illinois and Loyola University in Chicago. I have recently published my first adult novel which is the beginning of a historical paranormal romance trilogy. This was my driving force to produce this book. 
      Please enjoy reading the 10 pages I have include in this e-mail. I sent 10 pages because the first few are just the cast of characters but pertinent to the story. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Monday Mania--Query Letter

Critique Archive #54

One of our readers has submitted a query for critique. Please offer only constructive comments. 

Agent/ OR name
Agent/ OR address

Dear Agent/OR,

Doesn’t everyone wonder when it’s their time to die?

One mother, Vera, seems to know.

Statements of, “If I make it till Christmas” are heard quite often.

And what would you do if you thought you had killed your own mother?

When Vera dies and comes back from the dead to tell her daughter, Kathie, “I am alive, I did not die!” Kathie is not surprised by her mother’s courage and strength to reach through the veil, after all, her mother had hitch-hiked thousands of miles with her three small children without a penny to her name in order to save her children’s lives while she was alive. Why would she not continue to watch over them?
Vera leads her daughters, Kathie, and Donna, to greater Awareness and Healing through her 'Watching over them while in Spirit' and at times 'PLAYING TRICKS' to get their attention. While Kathie learns to communicate with the dead, Donna wants nothing more than to be left alone.  The experiences detailed are astounding. 

This book was first written on the devastation of a beloved mother's journey through three major strokes and the decision of whether or not to prolong her life.  It soon expanded into a most amazing ‘Afterlife’ story that will astonish even the harshest skeptic for once this portal from another dimension is opened numerous soul’s follow.

This book is also written about the extraordinary life Vera’s daughter, Kathie, has experienced. After being abducted as a very young child and then almost dying by electrocution at the age of seven only ‘Divine Intervention’ could bring such a child into the world of the fully living. And this is only the beginning for now Kathie has been given several gifts to share with others such as messages given by Divinity, specifically, Mother Mary, and our Lord. Included also, a miraculous spirit photograph given as confirmation of an earlier visitation. And, Kathie no longer thinks of so-called death, as an end – only the most precious of beginnings for she has seen her mother’s Spirit - ‘THE VERY ESSENCE OF GOD’ exit her mother’s mouth upon her final breath.  Kathie experiences both a Heavenly state and a Heavenly place, talks to the dead, receives spiritual teachings, has psychic visions, and remains present in the dreamscape.  How can Kathie actually be aware enough in a dream to ask her mother, “Momma, is there really a Heaven?” And further, ask God, “Please God, let me wake up!”

And what would you do if you saw your brother who committed suicide alive and well when you’d been told he’d gone to Hell?

I have enclosed the beginning of my manuscript ‘I AM ALIVE, I DID NOT DIE!’
along with a few key sections.  Included also is a SASE for your convenience.  Thank you for your consideration.  I look forward to an opportunity to share the entire manuscript with you soon.

