
Saturday, October 6, 2007

Agent Scam Alert

By Heather Moore

I am posting out of sequence, but I thought this was important to notify everyone asap. Yesterday I received an email from a literary agent who said she was interested in representing my new book. I was suspicious from the beginning because I couldn't remember querying this woman. And it came to an email that I don't give out to agents.

So I quickly googled her name and discovered that she is listed on the Top 20 Worst Agent list .

She signed her name as Michele Glance Rooney. I found this agent has a track record of contacting authors and inviting them to submit. Then she charges fees for reading, submitting, etc. According a blog written by Victoria Strauss, Rooney has not sold any trackable manuscript to any publisher.

The message she sent me is as follows:
Hi Heather,
How's your writing going? I just wanted to send you an e-mail and let you know you that I'm very interested in reading your writing projects with an eye toward becoming your literary agent. If your writing project is still a work in progress, please feel free to send me a synopsis and sample chapters. My submission address is:

Michele Glance Rooney, Literary Agent
P.O. Box 2533
Birmingham, Michigan 48012-2533

You can check out my website at
I'm looking forward to reading your work. I wish you great success with your writing career and with all of your endeavors.
Have a stupendous day!

Warm Regards,

Michele Glance Rooney

I, of course, emailed her back and requested a client list and her 2006-2007 sales. She hasn't replied.

My message to you: PLEASE investigate every agent by googling their name--even if they are listed in a reputable agent guide. In a previous blog, I list things to watch out for when querying agents.


  1. Very interesting. I'm not near the point of having to get a literary agent yet, but it seems to me that there are at least two things on her website I can see that would make me question her "business".

    One, I wouldn't think a business like that would have a site that has advertisements on them. If she's any good, she should be able to have a website with no ads.

    Two, the only link on her site is her email address. No bio or information. It's way too basic to seem valid.

  2. It's been over a week now and she still hasn't sent me that client list. Hmmm.
