
Monday, January 25, 2010

100 Followers, Conferences & Other Updates

Today we officially have 100 followers! Welcome to Writing on the Wall if you are new. As a quick introduction, we are a group of freelance editors who work under the umbrella of Precision Editing Group, LLC. What sets us apart from other editors? We're all published authors, so we know the writing journey inside and out. We also believe in mentoring, thus the beginning of this blog.

We don't have a Monday Mania submission today, so here are some updates.

We've started posting a few Writers Conferences on the sidebar. Obviously there are hundreds of conferences each year and we can't post them all. An excellent source is Writer's Digest. Also you can google writing chapters in your area.

Each year there is a free fantasy/sci fi writers conference in Provo, Utah, called LTUE (Life, the Universe and Everything). PEG editor Julie Wright, will be teaching a couple of workshops, as well as Lisa Mangum, editor for Shadow Mountain (which has put out NY Times Bestselling Authors), and Brandon Sanderson (NY Times Bestseller). There is an impressive line up this year. Conference dates: Feb 11-13, 2010. Check it out here.

Congrats to Josi Kilpack (PEG Editor), her newest book Devil's Food Cake comes out any day. We're happy to announce book releases for our blog followers. Just let us know!

Coming this Friday: An interview with award-winning writer, Kelli Stanley, author of the upcoming City of Dragons. She'll share her writing and publication journey of how she went from publishing her first book with a small press to landing a publishing contract with a major publisher.


  1. Hooray! 100 followers! Congratulations!

    I'd like to take a minute to thank all of you here at Writing on the Wall for reaching out and being willing to mentor writers everywhere. You truly don't know how much it means to us. You'll never know how your willingness to share your knowledge paves a smooth road for us, even when you had to take a rockier one. Thanks for sparing me. I'm so grateful.

  2. I've been reading this blog for over a year now a just realized I'm not a follower - I'll remedy that now. Thank you so much for sharing all of your writing knowledge and for the insightful Monday Mania.

  3. Devil's food cake looks sweet! (pun intended)

    Congrats on the 100 followers! Yipee!

  4. Mary, I'm glad you're a follower now :)

  5. Oh I so wish I could attend that conference!

    Congrats on the 100 followers!
