
Thursday, April 8, 2010

START Write-a-Thon April 8, 2010

This was supposed to post automatically, but maybe it was on East Coast time. Sorry. It's 4:22 now so . . .

Rev up your engines, it's time to get this party started!

Here's a repeat of the rules-and-or-processes for tonight's write-a-thon:

1-Enter your starting time and starting word count in the comment section of this blog. Contest is open from 4:00 pm, April 8 to 12:15 am, April 9.

3-Write for four hours--set a timer if you need to! (You can take breaks, but track your time!)

4-When finished, come back to this blog and put your end time, end word count, and total words written in those 4 hours in the comment trail.

5-All "end time" posts must be posted by 12:15, Mountain Daylight Time (we're giving you 15 minutes to tally your numbers). To calculate your times based on where you live, go HERE and educate yourself about time zones.

6-Please be honest. You are your own time/word keeper and we are trusting that none of our dearly beloved readers would sell their integrity for $50 or 50 pages :-) You must post a start comment AND an end comment to be eligible to win and have your words counted toward the total.

7-The winner--whoever has the most words written in their four hours--will be posted Tomorrow, Friday, April 9th here on the PEG blog. The winner will receive their choice of a $50 gift card to or 50 pages of a content edit from one of the Precision Editing Group editors.

**Bonus prize: If all participants combined word counts meet or exceed 100,000 words an additional prize drawing will be held for a hand crafted journal from Pendragon's Bookbinding.

Ready, set, go...


  1. Starting time: 4:19 Pm, Word Count N/A

    I'm going to be working on various stuff, so I can't show my word count until I'm done.

    good luck all!

  2. Starting time 4:25. Word count:15,400

    This will be sporatic, but I'm hoping for lots of words in about 2.5 hours total :-)

  3. Starting time: 4:30. Word Count: 0

    Here goes! :D I hope we can all make that 100,000!

  4. Elizabeth BeuhringApril 8, 2010 at 5:02 PM

    0 word count at 5:02 MDT

  5. Starting time: 5:02pm, Word Count: 0

  6. I started at 4:05 pm mst with a word count of 27,541. I will need to take a break soon to cook dinner, but then it will be back to work as soon as possible.

  7. Starting time: 6:30pm.
    Word Count: Zero

    Good luck everyone!
    No turning back now(:

  8. Start time: 6:37 PM Central Daylight time (5:37 MDT)

    Word count: 0

  9. Starting time 5:52 PM, Word Count 0.

    I hope to find I can write lots under pressure!

  10. Start time: 6pm MST
    Word count start: 44,600

  11. Start time: 6:10 pm MDT

    Beginning word count: 2,066

  12. Started at 2:30 MST at a big fat 0 word count. I'm going to write something new: )

  13. Starting time 6:28
    Word count 3714

  14. Starting time 1:46 PM (I work a graveyard shift, so I had to start early. Hope I still qualify).

    Word count: 4,667

  15. Starting at 7:06. Beginning word count it 1616.

    Good luck everyone!!

  16. Beginning time: 6:20 AZ time
    Beginning word count: 129

  17. Starting Time: 7:21pm MST

    Begin Word Count: 11,053

    Write like the wind!!!

  18. Start time 7:30pm MDT
    Word count: 4703

  19. 7:36 word count starting at 21,507

  20. Julie Wright--started at 4:00, WC 0

    Krista--started at 5:30, WC 0

    Josi--started at 7:37. WC 12,335

  21. How did Julie sign in at the exact time I signed her on? And I had the wrong time--go me!

  22. It's 7:41 right now...

    18,388 word start

  23. end time 8:45 PM Central Daylight time

    Word count 1114

    Not 4 hours worth. But it's a start.

  24. Starting time: 8:00 p.m.
    Word Count: Zero

  25. My start time 8:00pm
    Word count 0

    Good luck all!!!!

  26. it is 10:05 EST, my word count is 2,341. obviously at this late hour, i won't be putting in 4 hours, but i'm aiming for 2.

  27. Starting time: 8:05
    Word count: 6,417

    Thanks for this, PEG! Good luck to everyone and congrats to those who've finished theirs!

  28. Starting time: 8:11 pm MST
    Word Count: 57,524

    Working on Book 2 in The Wolfchild Saga, titled The Armor of Light.

  29. Sorry Josi, my computer cord came in the mail and I've got my computer back. So since I didn't get started when we talked (the store was slammed) I decided to do it in the evening when kids were settled and I was likely to get some peace. So I just started (and am now on the internet . . . see how focused i am?) Anway--the number I entered for word count was my starting point. Good luck to those of us just going, and way to go fr those already done!

  30. I'm done with my four hours!

    Ending time: 8:19

    Word Count: 2,255

    Wow, I did a lot more than I thought. That was super fun! I was working on a different story, but then jumped to one of my other ones because the one I started with wasn't flowing as smoothly. I got a chapter and and 3/4ths done on the second story! Thanks for this great experience!!

    I don't think I'll win, but it was SO MUCH FUN! I'll make sure to tell all of my author buddies when I got to the Teen Writers Conference in June! Annette, Josi, it will be fun to see you there!

    This was a great experience, a little exhausting, but awesome!

  31. Ending time: 8:30. Word count: 2,971

    WHEW! That was great! :D Probably could have done better if I hadn't been called to dinner in the middle, but I still call that pretty awesome. Thanks for the fun experience, PEG!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I made it, yeah!!!

    Beginning Start Time: 4:05 pm MST
    Beginning Start Count: 27,541
    Stop Time: 5:35 pm MST
    Stop Count: 29,197
    After Dinner Start Time: 6:15 pm MST
    After Dinner Start Count: 29,197
    Stop Time: 8:50 pm MST
    Stop Count: 31,899

    Grand total word count: 4,358 written within 4 hours.

  34. Elizabeth BeuhringApril 8, 2010 at 9:07 PM

    ended 9:02 MDT with a word count of 370. had major writing block today. but it was fun. ^_^

  35. Ending Time: 10:23 PM.
    Word Count: 5,098

    I just wanted to say how great this experience was; I had a lot of fun! I am super glad I am still on spring break; otherwise I may not have gotten the time to actually sit down for four hours and write. Thank you so much PEG! This got me out of my writing-rut.

  36. Ending time: 9:02pm MDT
    Word count: 3,675

    This was an awesome experience. I got more written in a long time

  37. Ending time: 10:10 MDT

    Ending word count: 10,482

    Total words written: 8,416


  38. 12:11 word count is now 4315. That's 1,974 words in 2 hours and 6 minutes. eh. oh well. at least i got a start on this project. i have an agent waiting on it.

  39. end time: 10pm MST
    end word count: 51,690

    Total words written: 7,038!

    Really good. Congrats to everyone! Great job Annette :) Here i thought i had a really good chance at winning LOL Hands are Tired!!

  40. I have to stop at three hours to get to bed for work. My total word count was 1,134. A little slow, but it could have been worse!

  41. Starting time 6:28
    Word count 3714
    End time 10:39 (Got a phone call so i didn't count that time)
    End word count 7668
    That is a total of 3954
    Not bad for 4 hours

  42. Okay I'm out of here I can hardly see the screen I'm so tired and I'm sure I'll read what I wrote tomorrow and wonder what I was thinking.
    Start time was 2:30 0 word count
    Break from 4:30 to 8:45 ended at 10:45 final word count 7475
    Thanks PEG this was fun. I should do it more often.

  43. Who-hoo! I did it!

    Ending time 11:08
    Ending word count 5005
    Total word count 3389

    Thanks PEG! Same time next week? :)

  44. End time 10:52--had a 60 minute dinner and kids break.
    Word Count: 2359
    (Hopefully, a very literary 2359)

  45. Ending time: 10:16
    Ending word count: 5,335
    total word count: 5,206

    I can't believe I just wrote that much!
    Goodnight and good luck everyone!

  46. Stop Time: 11:20pm MST

    Starting WC: 11,053
    Ending WC: 12,104

    I probably physically wrote far more than is reflected because I was editing more than anything else. But I did add some great scenes and fleshed out a lot of backstory that was lacking. But deleted a lot!!!!

    Thanks for this opportunity. It was really worth it.

  47. Start time: 11:33 PM MDT Starting word count: 31,617

  48. Ending time: 11:30 MDT
    Ending word count: 13694

    Total words: 8991
    Total usable words: debatable

    Thanks PEG for hosting this. It was exactly what I needed to get out of the writing funk I've been in lately! My brain thanks you.

  49. Ending time: 11:34 PM
    Ending word count: 7,347
    Total words: 2,680

    Good times. Thanks PEG

  50. Holy smokes--this is cool.

    I was really good for the first 2 hours but ran out of notes (should have taken Annette's advice more seriously) and I struggled through the next two hours and am convinced it's crap but it's on the page. Still, I'm very, very pleased.

    End time: 11:46
    End Word count: 19041
    Total written: 6706

  51. Done, 9:30 PM

    Total written: 2810

  52. My computer was possessed and wouldn't turn on! I quit at 11:38 with word count of 21273.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Start: 4:25 p.m.- 5:01 p.m.

    Then again from: 10:05 p.m.-12:00 a.m.

    Word count start: 15,400
    Word count finish: 20,071

    TOTAL: 4,671

    PRETTY GOOD FOR 2.5 hours! I would have smoked you all if I'd been able to get 4 hours in. Just kidding! Congrats everyone. This was awesome!

  55. Ending time: 12:00 midnight
    Ending word count: 1,802

  56. ending 11:57
    took an hour break to close out the register at my store, make dinner and eat, so in a little under three hours my end word count is: 24891 which leaves me with a total written word count of: 3,385

    Most of you guys kicked my trash, but I am so glad to have written so much! I also got a few scenes organized in a better order so the story flows with better pacing (and I know I shouldn't have been editing, but I couldn't help it)

    Awesome exercise and I loved knowing i was writing with dozens of others. It really helped me stay focused (as much as I am capable of focusing)

  57. Ending time is 12:09
    Ending word count: 62,979

    Total word count: 5,455

    Wow, that was fun! Let's do it again!

  58. Finished: 12:09
    Final wordcount: 8028
    Words written: 1611

    I know it's not a lot and I actually did try to write the full four hours but I'm a slow writer. And out of practice. Oh well. I'm just glad to have written today!

  59. Okay, I don't know what happened to my first comment, but I started at 11:40 p.m. ended at 12:15 a.m. and got 701 total words.

    Next time, I will start sooner! But it was still fun.
