
Monday, October 25, 2010

What's everyone's good news?

Once in awhile we need good news.

Yesterday, a client of ours told me that she just got her first request for a "full" from an agent after Julie Wright revamped her query. For more info about the rejection game, read here.

So let us know if you have good news! And, as always, let us know if you have an upcoming release, and we'll post your cover on our blog.

These past couple of months have been extra busy for three of our editors. Annette Lyon, Julie Wright, and Josi Kilpack have all had book releases. Congrats ladies!


  1. Congrats to Annette, Josi, & Julie! And super congrats to your client! What a great day!

  2. Congratulations you guys, that's fabulous!

    I lost three pounds this weekend, am excited all over again about a book I'd previously given up on, and am taking on NaNoWriMo next month!

  3. I just got to read comments by two of my favorite people. My sil is still alive. And I'm taking on NaNo next month too.

    I think I'm insane!

  4. Kimberly, that's great! Dedee, I hope your sil will be okay!

  5. I went to "Book Academy" writers conference and had my MS requested by editors of two publishers. I also won the 2011 Writers Market from another conference.

  6. Love good news! Mine? Last night my volleyball team won two games in a row, and my girlfriend just called this morning and four of us are going out to lunch!
    I love that little things count!
