
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

START NOW: Write-a-Thon November 2, 2010

Ready? It's time to get this party started!

Here's a repeat of the rules-and-or-processes for tonight's write-a-thon:

1-Enter your starting time and starting word count in the comment section of this blog. Contest is open from 4:00 pm, November 2 to 12:15 am, November 3.

3-Write for four hours--set a timer if you need to! (You can take breaks, but track your time!)

4-When finished, come back to this blog and put your end time, end word count, and total words written in those 4 hours in the comment trail.

5-All "end time" posts must be posted by 12:15, Mountain Daylight Time (we're giving you 15 minutes to tally your numbers). To calculate your times based on where you live, go HERE and educate yourself about time zones.

6-Please be honest. You are your own time/word keeper and we are trusting that none of our dearly beloved readers would sell their integrity for $50 or 50 pages :-) You must post a start comment AND an end comment to be eligible to win and have your words counted toward the total.

7-The winner--whoever has the most words written in their four hours--will be posted Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 3rd here on the PEG blog. The winner will receive their choice of a $50 gift card to or 50 pages of a content edit from one of the Precision Editing Group editors.

Ready, set, go...


  1. Well, I'll post a start time but I doubt I have a chance since I have a have to teach a piano have married kids coming over for dinner...

    4:15 3426

  2. Starting at 4:30 with 6282 words that I just wrote for NaNo.

  3. Starting at 4:41 with lots of breaks to come! Braving a new manuscript. Word one, page one.

  4. Start time 4:52, probably going to be working in 15 minute increments all evening. :) My starting word count is 24,596 on my WIP.

  5. Started a new AlphaSmart file for this one, so word count starting out: 0.

    Time started: 4:20.

    (Alas, with breaks, dangit.)

  6. Starting time 5:20 pm (with breaks. Such is life)With a word count of 0.

  7. start word count 3341

    but, due to a whiplash kind of neck thing, owww,, may not get so far as I had wished, going slow

    but good fun to all involved.

  8. Starting Time: 5:43
    Starting Word Count: 8949

    I'm sick as a dog, so I'll write in short little intervals while lying on my bed looking pathetic. It'll be far more fun than sitting here thinking about how miserable I am.

    Can I count this comment in my total word count??? (just kidding)

  9. Start time 6:41. Word count 4751--I'm hoping to hit 10K tonight! Internet is off for the next hour.

  10. I can no longer remain upright (blasted illness!!) so I'm calling it a night.

    Total time: 1hr 22min
    Final word count: 11151
    Total words written: 2202


  11. As much as I would love to participate tonight, it's now 8:39 and I'm just now getting to my computer. There is no way I'll be able to stay here beyond 9:00 so I guess I'll have to pass this time around. Good luck to everyone who is writing though. I'd sure love that $50 amazon card. Of course, I'd spend it in a a minute on books that would take more time away from writing. Tee Hee!!!

  12. I am signing off. End time 10:12 p.m. Total: 2 hr 20 mins: 2825 words. Good luck everyone!

  13. End time: 11:15 pm

    I technically have another 30 minutes left, but my brain is oatmeal, so I'm calling it a night.

    Total word count: 7,461

  14. Okay, time to feed the baby again and then try to get some sleep. Total time 1 hr 15 minutes.
    Ending word count: 26376 for a word count written of 1,780. :)

  15. I'm done--whew. I had hoped to hit 10,000 and I got close--9838. That's a total of 5,087 words. Thanks for all the hard work--this was soooooo good for me. It's been too long since I really focused on JUST writing the story.

  16. I finished at 11009 which is a total of 4727. I really wanted more in the four hours but I was happy with the total I got in one day :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Phew. My hands hurt.
    Four hours total--one big long break in the middle to get kids in bed. Final word count 6041 for a total of 4891 words written tonight.
    That was awesome! Can we do it again tomorrow?

  19. I ended up stopping in the middle for some election stuff and didn't get back to my WIP until now. However, I did manage 4590 words anyway.

  20. End Time 11:45pm
    Total Time: 4 hours
    Beginning Word Count: 0
    Ending Word Count: 3480 words

    YEAH! Thanks for the challenge. It was a good eye opening experience.

  21. Neck pain too much to write more.
    I wrote 1,031 words in 45 minutes.

    Feasibly, if I could have gone on, it would have amounted to 5,504 as I was writing pretty thoughtfully and not full- force.

    But what I did was 1,031.
