
Friday, November 4, 2011

START NOW: Write-A-Thon

Ready? It's time to get this party started!

Here's a repeat of the rules-and-or-processes for tonight's write-a-thon:

1-Enter your starting time and starting word count in the comment section of this blog. Contest is open from 4:00 pm Friday, November 4 (MST) to Midnight (we'll accept word count submission in the comments until 12:15 am, November 5th.)

3-Write for four hours--set a timer if you need to! (You can take breaks, but track your time!)

4-When finished, come back to this blog and put your end time, end word count, and total words written in those 4 hours in the comment trail.

5-All "end time" posts must be posted by 12:15 a.m., Mountain Daylight Time (we're giving you 15 minutes to tally your numbers). To calculate your times based on where you live, go HERE and educate yourself about time zones.

6-Please be honest. You are your own time/word keeper, and we are trusting that none of our dearly beloved readers would sell their integrity for $50 or 30 pages :-) You must post a start comment AND an end comment to be eligible to win and have your words counted toward the total.

7-The winner--whoever has the most words written in their four hours--will be posted Saturday, November 5th here on the PEG blog. The winner will receive their choice of a $50 gift card to or 30 pages of a content edit from one of the Precision Editing Group editors ($60 value).

Ready, set, go...


  1. Okay, I'm kicking it off :-)

    (My time will be very sporadic, but won't go over 4 hours total)

    Word count start on current manuscript: 72,600

  2. I'm joining in.

    My word count start is 5,541.

    Thanks for a great contest concept!

  3. I'm starting at 28,766 (I thought this posted before!) I'll be taking a break for dinner, but will track my time.

  4. Count me in!

    Starting word count is 7608.

    Good luck, everyone!

  5. I'm in!

    Word count on a magazine piece: 138
    Word count on my NaNo WIP: 6710

    See you later! :-)

  6. I'm in, I've needed a kick like this. Current count 2914.

  7. I'm in. Starting word count is 8283 on NaNo. Time is 4:25. Not really playing too win--just want to see what I can do. Thanks for the challenge!

  8. I'll give it a try. :)

    Start Word Count: 3,436

  9. Starting at 4:30, but I'll keep track of breaks, etc. and only write 4 total hours. Beginning word count: 6,716.

  10. I'm in the sporadic zone too. My current word count is 5658.

  11. My writing will also be sporadic since I have guests coming for dinner tonight, but I will keep track of time and not go over four hours. Beginning word count: 4906

  12. I don't actually think I have four hours to spare between now and midnight, but what the heck. I'll give this a try. Starting wordcount on WIP is 28,260

  13. I'm not sure if I can swing four hours before midnight, but I'll definitely do as much as I can after dinner and a movie. My word count right now is 5,386. I'll keep track and make sure I don't go over four hours (though I doubt THAT will be a problem).

  14. Here I go. My time will be all over the place, but like Heather, won't go over 4 hours total. My current word count is 3553.

  15. i'm going to give it a try...been sick all week with a fever...suppose i'll see what i can get accomplished between coughing fits and nebulizer treatments...starting word count is 635 (yup, that's it)...and i guess i'll start by 730 (believe me, there won't be any problems with me going over 4 hours - doubt i'll be up to doing 2!)

  16. Here we go! (My time will be all over the place too, but no more than four hours, naturally :D)

    Starting word count: 37,215

  17. Start time 5:40 pm


  18. I have my popcorn, grapes and H20. I'm ready to rock and roll. Current word count 17,022

  19. I'm starting at 1105 words. I'll get in what time I can, but at least I'm doing something!

  20. Okay, starting off now. 12,577 words currently.

  21. I started around 6:45, and will also be on and off but will stick to four hours. Starting word count is 26,001.

  22. I'm in! I started at 424, stopped at 530 for a date.
    Starting again right now, 716 and hope to go until 1030 ish.

    word count: 0

  23. Starting at 7:35 PM with 4,128 words total. Going to try to work straight through to 11:30, but my back end is already sick of me sitting. :)

    Here goes something... :)

  24. Starting word count is 44,620. Looking forward to midnight! :D

  25. Well, there it is. Four straight hours, four thousand words. I started with 5,543 and ended 3 minutes ago with 9,541. It feels very bizarre.

    Good luck to everyone else!

  26. Sorry that was 5,541 not 3 as you can see in my earlier post. Silly fingers.

  27. okay. forget it. i'm just way too sick. two nebulizer treatments in 3 hours is never a good sign. i squeaked out a couple hundred words despite that, though. when breathing isn't such a struggle, i'll try again.

  28. Done with four hours. Ending count:; 8305. Total: 2647.

  29. Four hours later, my final count is 3335 words. All in all, a very satisfying word count to add to the day's earlier work!

  30. I think I did that wrong. Too many words! Too much sitting! LOL

    Beginning word count: 7608
    Ending word count: 10943
    Total words written: 3335

    Going to go fall over now...

  31. Done! I'm ending at 37,825. Which makes my total 9,059 words in four hours. Definitely a personal best.

  32. Okay, I give up. 2.5 hours in, I have 16,279, for total written during this time being 3,702. I'm tired and need to relax. But the write-a-thon did get me writing tonight, something I may not otherwise have done, so thanks!

  33. I had 4,885 words at 8:00. I'll be back to post my ending wordcount later tonight... :)

  34. Start was 5489 end was 8265 for a total of 2776 words!

  35. My end time was 9:45 with a 2 hour dinner break (I had to watch Chuck). Anyway, I could only muster 3 hours total with a final word count of 9582= net word count of 1299. Good night all.

  36. Okay, 4 hours total, spread out throughout the evening. Even had time for pizza!

    Starting word count 6,716
    Ending work count 15,007
    For a total new word count of 8,291

    Looks like Heather J. still beat me, but not bad for an evening's work.

    Night everyone!

  37. Finished a little short of 4 hours but got a lot written. It really helped with a couple of ideas that had been brewing in my brain! THANKS girls!

    End count:4282

  38. I managed 35 minutes and ended with 1645 words, for a total of 540 words tonight.

  39. I'm out. I got off to a great start but then hit the same dang wall I always hit WHERE'S THE STORY! Anyway, I got 5,032 words. I'll probably cut 4,000 of them.

  40. Okay, my eyes are going to fall out because my daughter's volleyball tournament went so long. But I did get *some* writing done. Total words written: 2,016

  41. Done! :)

    Ending Word Count: 8,169

    Which brings me to a total of 4,733 words written in 4 hours! Woohoo! Thanks for the fun challenge. :)

  42. My start count: 138
    My end word count:2433

    2295 total, with bonus that magazine piece is done.

    Thanks guys, that was fun!

  43. PS to Heather: I was watching my oldest play volleyball, too :-)

  44. Tired and done. Starting word count: 3,553. Ending word count: 4,657. Total: 1,104. I'm a slow writer.

  45. Tired and done. Starting word count: 3,553. Ending word count: 4,657. Total: 1,104. I'm a slow writer.

  46. Done! Total is now 8806, so I did 5892 words in four hours. This has been extremely helpful!

  47. I started at 7:50

    My starting word count: 44,620

    I finished at 11:50

    My ending word count: 50,277

    for a total of 5,657 words in four hours.

    Thanks for doing this Write-a-thon! It has been very helpful!

  48. Wrote for 95 minutes. We had family movie night and watched Star Wars Ep 1.

    I started with 6995 and am stopping for the night at 9439.

    I did 2444 tonight.

    But yeah, no victory for me, what with you champion-types kicking my futile attempts into the gutter.

  49. 9424 for me in four hours. I'll love being so ahead for NaNoWriMo!

    Michael Young

  50. Starting word count: 37,215

    Ending word count: 42,149

    Word count total: 4,934

    Extremely good for me! I was only expecting 3,000 at most. YAY! :D

  51. my end word count was 8061. My total word count in four hours was 3155. it wasn't what I'd hoped for but with the distractions of dinner guests I guess I should be thrilled it's as many as it is. I'm glad glad glad for this because without it, i doubt I'd have written ANY AT ALL :)

  52. Ending word count 23248. That makes 6226 words. Yay for me. Thanks guys. That was fun.

  53. Sorry, I need to include all the info.

    I started at 8pm and ended at midnight.

    I started at 36476 and ended at 45900 for a total count of 9424.

    Thanks, what a great idea!

  54. 5,153!
    I typed from 8 PM - 12 AM.

  55. Oh! I mean my total ending count is 10,539!

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. My ending word count is 8624. That makes 3,739 total. My internet hasn't been working here at the retreat, and it just came back on so hopefully this will go through! :D

  58. Total ending word count was 32,327 for a total of 6326.

  59. We're over 100k so far! Still waiting to hear from Shanda & Heidi. Will post results in the morning, well, it's morning, but going to sleep a little--then make sure it's all tabulated correctly. Great job everyone! Really amazing!

  60. I am totally amazed by how quickly people write. We are awesome! Hope we can keep most of those words. :)

  61. WIP total 6312 which I believe is +2184. Honestly I am so happy with that total. I don't think I've written that much in a day, let alone 3 hours.

