
Monday, September 19, 2016

Show Me The Money!

A popular post from April 2012

Josi S. Kilpack

With tax day over and done, inquiring minds want to know what you made on your books last year. With an ever changing industry, there are more factors determining success than ever and yet, as always, money is that elephant in the room. We're all curious about how the other guy is doing, we're all setting goals and working toward them, but we hear very small bits of information and we're always a little nervous to just put our info out there when everyone else is nervous too. This is your chance to share your earnings anonymously so as to avoid anyone making judgements or hitting you up for a loan. Unpublished authors get to see what they can expect, and those of us who have published, get to see how we fit into the spectrum and how the money works between multiple markets and formats.

Here's what we're looking for in your comment:
  1. Choose "Anonymous" for your comment profile.
  2. State your GROSS royalty or advance income, stating which type it is.
  3. State whether this is from traditional publishing agreements or self-published works.
  4. State whether this is LDS specific or national market.
  5. State how many titles are included in this income statement.
  6. Share your personal thoughts if you like.
Here are some comment format examples:

Traditional publishing
National market
2 titles. 

*It's been a good year for me, I'm happy with my sales and hopeful that 2012 will be even better

$1,200--royalty, self-published (Kindle only) 
National market
1 title.
$3,500--royalty, traditional publishing
LDS market
3 titles (All at least two years old)

$125,000--advance, traditional publishing
National Market
One title--first of four series.

*Book won't be out until 2013, this is what I got after paying my agent but before taking out taxes. It's the first of three installments I expect over the next year assuming I can fix the plot holes my editor found.

So, those are the rules--thanks for taking the time to educate all of us! I've featured this a few other years on my personal blog. If you'd like to see previous years, click HERE.


  1. $1,100.00--royalty
    traditonal publishing
    LDS market--smaller publisher
    5 books--all published more than five years ago.

  2. $6100 - royalty
    traditional publishing
    LDS market - 2 publishers
    10 books - some new, some since 2004
    $50 Kindle - 3 ebooks

    * Every check is a blessing, but I thought I'd be making more by now.

  3. $5,536.00 - Royalties
    Traditional Publishing
    LDS market
    1 Title

  4. $37,000.00
    Traditional publishing
    LDS market
    9 titles

    Very happy with what I'm making in this market right now. It's been many years to get here.

  5. Total earnings: $22,770


    Traditionally published book royalties: $8,700
    (8 books over 10 years, LDS market)

    Ebooks: $3,800

    Other writing income (articles, freelance technical writing, etc.): About $10,000

  6. $11,114--royalty in 2011 (one book release)
    traditional publishing
    LDS market
    This was my 9th book

    *My 2011 royalties were about half of my 2010 royalties, but I had 2 books out in 2010. So I'm looking forward to 2012 since I have more than one book coming out.

  7. $800 Royalty in 2011
    LDS Market
    2 books.

  8. $4,000 Royalty in 2011
    LDS Market
    2 books
    Self Published

  9. not yet $10, but more than $0 - royalty
    National market
    Two titles

    For six months, so do not doubt there are slow starters. Still, I'm not discouraged.

  10. $1300 Royalty
    LDS Market
    1 book

  11. $800 - Mostly in Dec, Indie published, 7 books
    $100 - LDS market, 1 book, out for several years

    The first six months were slow, then sales jumped in Dec. And I can hardly wait to post my 2012 Indie earnings next year because they've gone through the roof!

  12. $60 ebook sales for my self published book that came out last spring,
    $200 for paper book sales.

    $120 for my traditionally published books (LDS market), all of which came out in 2009 and 2010.

    My sales have greatly improved this year and I have a new traditionally published book, and some ebook releases this year, so the yearly totals are going to be much better.

  13. $2,000.00
    Traditional Publishing
    LDS Market
    1 Title (released late '11)

  14. $355 royalty in 2011
    Traditional publishing
    LDS Market
    1 Title

  15. $1250
    Traditional publishing
    LDS Market
    1 Title

  16. $11,000
    Traditional publishing
    LDS market
    2 books

  17. $24,500 - Royalty
    Traditional Publishing, 2 books out.
    National Market
    $5,000 - Advance
    Traditional Publishing for book 3.

  18. $62,700
    National and LDS
    Advances and royalties

    2012 should be about the same, but expecting a pretty big jump in 2013.

  19. Average $900.00+ per month
    Self published
    Utah market only
    1 title

  20. $19,600 -- royalty
    Traditional publishing
    LDS market
    9 titles (includes 2 new releases)

  21. $1725 royalties
    Indie published
    National market
    9 titles: mix of 3 print novels published in 2000s, and 9 ebooks since May 2011

    New release in 2012 will boast earnings.

  22. $2250--royalty
    Traditional Publishing
    LDS Market
    2 titles (2009, 2010)

  23. $12,000
    self-published with eBooks
    4 books

    This year I'm on track to surpass that.
