
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Do your Research

A popular post from August 2009

by Heather Moore

No, I'm not talking about historicals. In a few weeks, I'll be teaching a couple of workshops at the League Of Utah Writers Conference.

My two topics will be:
1. The Science of Writing Your First Novel . . . and you thought it was a Creative Art
2. Your Rock-Solid Submission Package: Making it Fluid

As a presenter, I had to turn in my outlines in advance, which started me thinking. I'd like to compile a comprehensive list of websites/blogs for writing, editing, finding agents and publishers that will be something useful for our sidebar.

So let me know the sites you frequent and I can add them on.

Here is my list so far.

Non-Fiction Proposal Package:
Agent Research: (free)
Agent Bloggers:
Nathan Bransford
Kristin Nelson
Janet Reid
Rachelle Gardner
Agents/Publishers List: (paid subscription)
Writing & Editing Blog:
Writer’s Digest: on-line newsletter, or magazine subscription
Preditors & Editors:
Writer Beware:


  1. I hope you'll share the highlights from your presentations here for those of us who are unable to attend! We all love to hear your ideas.

  2. Other blogs I like are: BookEnds, LLC a literacy agency, Editorial Anonymous, an anonymous children's book editor, and LDS Publisher

  3. Nathan Bransford is brilliant. His blog alone is almost overwhelming, it's so chock full of info.

    Great list.

  4. andy got all my add-ons. (well, them and YOURS, of course LOL) this list will be cool! thanks

  5. Oh boy. I'm turning in an outline for a presentation on Friday. It's ready, I hope. Exciting times, eh? *gulp*
