Friday, April 9, 2010

Write-a-Thon Winners!

What a night! Thank you to each and every one of you who participated, it is amazing what we can do when we block out that time. What a fun experience this has been. We had 29 participants for a total of 106,005 words!

So, without further adieu, here are your winners:

Word Count Winner: Sarah Eden @ 8991 words

*She wins either a 50 page edit from PEG or a $50 gift card to Way to go Sarah! She just couldn't bring herself to write 9 more words I guess :-)

Random Winner: Jade Simmons

*She wins a $30 gift card to, Congrats Jade! She also wrote 3,954 words--awesome!

AND, because our total was over 100,000 words we have a third winner:

Word Total Random Winner: Amy

*She wins BOTH a copy of my There, They're Their: A No-Tears Guide to Grammar from the Word Nerd AND a hand-bound blank journal from Pendragon's Bookbinding. Congrats Amy! She also wrote 5,206 words!

Thanks again for being a part of the first PEG Write-a-thon. We'll do it again.

(winners, please e-mail Josi at with your address so we can get your prizes to you.)


Karen E. Hoover said...

That was a total blast! I found an MP3 of someone typing and put it on repeat so it sounded like there were other people in the room writing with me. Made it more realistic. Rough starting, but man it felt good to crank those words out! Hope you do this again soon. Don't even need a prize. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to everyone! This was such a good idea and I hope you do it again. I'm going to work harder on producing more words, although I'm happy with the quality of them. Still, CONGRATULATIONS to everyone! Yay!

Krista said...

How fun! And, wow, Sarah! I'm excited about reading those words someday!!! Congrats to the winners and thank you WotW for a great exercise!

Amie Borst said...

great esxercise! thanks for hosting. i'm that much closer to having this book written for that patiently waiting agent!

Annette Lyon said...

Way to go, Sarah! Congratulations to EVERYONE who participated--it's quite an accomplishment!

Julie Belnap said...

congrats to everyone that competed! I didn't get as much as some of you, but I was stuck on a different story, so I switched gears, so that could have changed things. still got 4 1/2 pages done or so. This was good even though I don't have a prize. When will we do it again? I hope it's before the Teen Writer's Conference.

Sarah M Eden said...

I would like to thank the Academy and the letter "I" on my computer for hanging on through those grueling 4 hours despite being only marginally still attached to the keyboard. Also, I want to thank Cheetos for giving me the strength to type for 4 straight hours. *wipes tear* And to PEG for encouraging a large group of writers to pursue their madness... er... their dream.

Autumn said...

I guess it's too late...I forgot to add my numbers at midnight. Sorry!

I did 2,471 words.

Karen Pellett said...

Thanks so much for this. I got more work done last night then I have in awhile. Granted I had a few moments of difficulty before my husband got home from work where my daughter thought she needed to sit on my lap inbetween me and the laptop. Still it was fantastic to get to focus on writing. Thanks again!!!

Julie Wright said...

congratulations to all the winners and let's be honest, all who participated are winners. We all moved ahead in our projects and that is always a great thing!

Precision Editing Group said...

Queen, we added your words to the total--106,005! Wahoo!

Wendy said...

Very fun! Congrats to the winners! I normally hand write in a spiral notebook and than transfer to a computer. I hand wrote for the first two hours and wrote on the computer the second half. I wrote three times the amount while using the computer. I'm sure this is not news to veteran authors. Now I have the proof I need to get my writing done faster. Thanks for the motivation.

Amy said...

Oh my gosh!!! I can't believe I won something!!! I'm totally flipping out!
Thank you so much for sponsoring this, it was incredible and I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
Shoot, If I did things like this more often, I'd have a book written every other month!
Thanks again!!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Congratulations! Sounded like you guys had a blast! :D